Cruise Passenger Guide

We solve your doubts regarding cruises

Descubre Vigo

Más de 294 mil habitantes convierten a Vigo en la ciudad más grande de Galicia. Llegar en crucero al puerto de Vigo es toda una experiencia porque las Islas Cíes, también llamadas ‘Islas de los Dioses’, protegen su ría y acogen a la que fue distinguida por el diario británico The Guardian como ‘la playa más bonita del mundo’, la playa de Rodas

Holland America Line

Holland America Line se fundó en 1873 con el nombre de Netherlands-America Steamship Company (NASM), una línea naviera y de pasajeros. En la actualidad, la flota de Holland America Line, compuesta por 15 elegantes barcos de tamaño mediano, ofrece más de 500 salidas cada año visitando los cinco continentes. Los cruceros incluyen tanto puertos populares como puertos menos visitados en el Caribe, Alaska, Europa, México, América del Sur, el Canal de Panamá, Australia, Nueva Zelanda y Asia – así como viajes únicos al río Amazonas, la Antártida y nuestros Grandes viajes ampliados.

Escala en Santander

La escala de crucero en el Puerto de Santander supone la oportunidad de conocer los mútiples atributos patrimoniales de la ciudad pero también una ocasión perfecta para adentrarse en Cantabria y sus recursos turísticos más emblemáticos. La Estación Marítima situada en pleno centro de la ciudad, lo que proporciona comodidad al pasajero de cruceros a la hora de desplazarse para efectuar un recorrido turístico.

Book your cruise

It is possible to book cruises through the websites of online specialized agencies and perform the procedures advised by an expert agent. You can also book in a traditional travel agency.

Is it possible to bring pets on a cruise?

It is not possible to bring our pets on a cruise. No matter breed or size, cruise lines do not allow animals onboard. Only Cunard Cruises allows animals on their ships. However, it is essential to talk about that with you travel agency when booking your cruise.

Common mistakes on your first cruise

Like any other trip, the first time that you do a cruise is normal to make mistakes with luggage because it is difficult if you have never traveled by boat to anticipate certain circumstances. In any case, some recommendations that we can consider if we have never done a cruise when making our baggage are […]

Is it allowed to smoke on cruises?

Smokers have enabled spaces on most cruises. There are normally smoking rooms on the ships. In some cases, it is also possible in some outside decks. It is important not to throw away butts.

Is it possible to do a cruise with a baby?

Yes, It is possible to cruise with a baby but you need to check first if they have the minimum age required depending on the cruise line and the selected destination. There are many companies that do not establish age limits, but other cruise lines set a minimum age requirement which is typically between six months and one year.

Do the children travel for free on cruises?

In some cruise lines children travel on cruise for free, this means that there are special offers for children traveling together in cabin with adults. However, although the passage is free, you must pay registration fees, port taxes and airport taxes, flights and transportation if needed, as well as insurance. In each cruise line conditions […]

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